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来源:wenku168.com  资料编号:WK1688067 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1688067

可编程序控制器(Programmable Logic Controller,习惯上简称为PLC)是以微处理器为核心的通用工业自动化装置。是20世纪60年代末在继电器控制系统的基础上开发出来的,它将传统的继电器控制技术与计算机技术和通信技术融为一体,具有结构简单、性能优越、可靠性高、灵活通用、易于编程、使用方便等优点。具体来说,PLC的特点表现为以下几个

PLC technique discussion and future development
Programmable Controller (Programmable Logic Controller, customarily referred to as PLC) is a microprocessor as the core of the general industrial automation devices. Is in the late 1960 s in the relay control system developed on the basis of, it will traditional relay control technology combined with computer technology and communication technology, has a simple structure, superior performance, high reliability, flexible, general and convenient use, easy to programming. In particular, the characteristics of the PLC is shown as the following
Aspects: (1) the high reliability of hardware. PLC is specialized in industrial environment under the conditions of application and design. Can be placed in a well designed PLC has a very high voltage noise, electromagnetic interference and mechanical vibration, extreme temperature, and humidity environment. Is in the aspect of hardware design, first of all with high quality components, and adopt reasonable system structure, strengthening, simplify installation, makes it easy to anti vibration shock, to the printed circuit board design, machining and welding process are taken very strict measures, and on the circuit, the structure and process had taken some unique ways. Because the PLC itself has very high reliability, so in the event of a failure parts mostly focused on the input/output parts and such as sensors, limit switches, photoelectric switch, electromagnetic valve, motor, etc. programming and easy to use. Automatic control by microcomputer, commonly used assembly language programming, difficult to grasp, requires the user has a certain level of knowledge of computer hardware and software.
