主页 > 机械机电 > PLC >


来源:wenku168.com  资料编号:WK1688066 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1688066

摘  要


Bridge crane is the mechanical production of the most commonly used as a hoisting machinery, plays a very important role in the process of production. So to improve the efficiency of bridge crane, ensure the security operation process and reduce cost of production is very important.
Traditional bridge crane is used commonly on reuse of wound rotor asynchronous motor drag communication. Hoisting mechanism and operational mechanism on the motor rotor series resistance speed control mode is generally adopted. But this way of speed regulating operation complexity, poor reliability, failure rate is high, and the power waste, low efficiency. With the rapid development of control technology in recent years, we can according to the above problems existing in the bridge crane control system, the programmable controller and frequency converter is applied to the bridge crane control system, and has carried on the detailed design.
This design is mainly discussed the improvement of the programmable controller (PLC) and inverter bridge crane control system. And expounded the basic principles of PLC and frequency converter control. Adopting Siemens S7-200 PLC system, can control the crane cart, the direction and speed of the car, the ascending and descending direction and speed of the hook, at the same time can detect various motor fault phenomenon. In this design,Changing the working state of the motor in circuit mainly by the frequency converter device to realize.In the control circuit to achieve the functions of bridge crane is mainly composed of PLC to realize. Finally the programmable controller software design, develop the safe, reliable and efficient control program.
Key words: Bridge crane; frequency converter; programmable logic controller
(1) 熟悉基于PLC的起重机控制技术的发展历程,特别是近十年来提出的可编程控制器与变频器相结合的控制系统;                     
(2) 熟练掌握起重机的运动控制系统的构成;      
(3) 熟练掌握变频器的控制原理;                      
(4) 熟知PLC的工作原理以及熟练使用西门子S7-200的编程指令。


目  录
摘  要    III
目  录    V
1 绪论    1
1.1桥式起重机的简介    1
1.2 本课题研究的内容和意义    1
1.2.1 课题设计的内容:    1
1.2.2 课题设计的意义    2
1.3 国内外起重机控制系统的发展状况    2
2桥式起重机的控制    3
2.1桥式起重机的主要结构及运动形式    3
2.2传统桥式起重机的控制原理    4
2.3 传统桥式起重机控制系统的缺点    5
2.4 控制方案的设计    5
3 桥式起重机控制系统的硬件设计    6
3.1 系统硬件设计    6
3.2 PLC实现的主令控制器    6
3.3 电机的选用    7
3.3.1 变频调速对电动机的要求    7
3.3.2 变频起重机系统中电动机的选型    7
3.3.4 计算及电机的选取    8
3.4 变频器    10
3.4.1 变频器选型    10
3.4.2 变频器的主电路    10
3.4.3 变频器的控制电路    11
3.4.4 变频器选择及电流验证    12
3.4.5 变频器主要参数设置    13
3.5 制动电阻的选择    14
3.6 可编程控制器    14
3.6.1可编程控制器的概述    14
3.6.2 可编程控制器选型    15
3.6.3 I/O端口分配    16
3.6.4 PLC系统接线方式    17
3.7 安全措施    18
4 系统软件设计    19
4.1 主程序    19
4.2 公用程序    20
4.3 大车控制程序    23
4.4 其他子程序设计    25
5 结论及展望    28
5.1 结论    28
5.2 展望    28
致  谢    29
参考文献    30
