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来源:wenku168.com  资料编号:WK1688087 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1688087

摘   要


Natural disasters, particularly coal gas coal-dust explosion accident happens, the mine environment is very complex, miners face extremely dangerous situation, it is necessary to transfer and ambulance as soon as possible; And search and rescue work more difficult and dangerous, often in the relief work by ambulance staff casualties. Research and development instead of or part of the rescue personnel to replace mine disaster area, rapidly environmental detection and search and rescue work of the rescue robot has very important significance.
   This paper studies the purpose of the work is the design of novel structure, has an independent class of operation, resistance to certain impact and the obstacles of the ability to track mobile robot, and to adapt to the complex environment and rugged work conditions. This research significance lies in the design for the follow-up of the search and rescue robot provide a fundamental dynamic platform, in order to be able to develop more function of search and rescue robot, especially to provide a solid mobile platform, playing in some search and rescue equipment, to provide relief information inoue, reasonable design rescue plan, shorten the rescue time, reduce casualties.
   We design the mobile search and rescue robot scheme is crawler drive structure. The scheme adopts the modular design, easy to remove the maintenance, can block the adaptive complex pavement, and to control the rotation of the two flanks board module to adjust the robot attitude change, auxiliary climbing, the disabled and across the 
channel; Robot after reasonable structure layout and design with good ability to adapt to the environment, mobility and resistant to a certain degree drop impact. The mobile mechanism of the robot design mainly consists of four parts: active pinwheel reducer drive mechanism, wing turn institutions, adaptive pavement actuators, caterpillar and track the movement institutions. We are for parts design of design, and intensity, the final shape design theory.
    Key words: search and rescue robots; composite mobile body; modular design            


前   言    1
1 绪  论    3
1.1 课题研究背景及意义    3
1.1.1 课题研究背景    3
1.1.2 课题研究意义    4
1.2 国内外的研究概况    6
1.2.1 国外研究现状    6
1.2.2国内研究现状    8
1.2.3 发展趋势    9
2 搜救机器人的总体结构方案设计    13
2.1 井下复杂环境对救灾机器人的要求    13
2.2 典型移动机构方案论证分析    14
2.2.1 轮式移动机构特点    14
2.2.2 腿式移动机构特点    15
2.2.3 履带式移动机构特点    16
2.2.4 履、腿式移动机构特点    17
2.2.5 轮、履、腿式移动机构性能比较    18
2.3 研究设计采用的行走机构    18
2.4 救灾机器人性能指标与设计    19
2.5本章小结    21
3搜救机器人运动参数设计计算    22
3.1搜救机器人越障分析    22
3.1.1搜救机器人跨越台阶    22
3.1.2搜救机器人跨越沟槽    24
3.2搜救机器人斜坡运动分析    25
3.3 本章小结    26
4驱动电机的选则    26
4.1基于平地的最大速度的电机功率计算    26
4.2爬坡最大坡度的驱动电机功率计算    27
4.3 本章小结    28
5 驱动轮减速器设计    30
5.1减速器方案分析    30
5.1.1减速器应满足的要求    30
5.1.2 减速器方案分析    30
5.2 减速器的设计计算    32
5.2.1减速器的传动方案分析    32
5.2.2配齿计算    32
5.2.3初步计算齿轮的主要参数    33
5.2.4装配条件的计算    38
5.2.5高速级齿轮强度的验算    39
5.2.6 轴的设计及校核    48
5.3 本章小结    51
6移动机构履带及翼板部分设计    52
6.1.1 确定带的型号和节距    53
6.1.2确定主从动轮直径    54
6.2 翼板部分设计    54
6.3 摆臂作用概述    55
致   谢    58
